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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Curse of the Were-Weasel, Part 3

Well, it seems godaddy and blogspot aren't playing well together, again, because I'm getting timeout errors galore, comments are appearing and disappearing between refreshes, and I can't even get in to edit posts on my own blasted blog half the time. The same problem appears have been affecting the Curse of the Were-Weasel for the past two weeks, which is why I've been dragging my heels on promoting this recently reanimated experiment in online storytelling. (That, and I still can't find my much cooler image of the were-weasel with the evil red glowing eyes.)

Nonetheless, Vidad has been doing some fascinating stuff with the concept in recent weeks, so the time has come to issue a directive. READ IT!

The new story is Bloodline: The Cult of Anubis, by Vidad MaGoodn, and to get caught up to speed you need to read, in sequence: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

As for this whole business of getting URL redirection and commenting working reliably again, all I can say is, I'm working on it. Until I get it sorted out, you'll probably have better luck using http://thefridaychallenge.blogspot.com for THE FRIDAY CHALLENGE, and http://curseofthewereweasel.blogspot.com for The Curse of the Were-Weasel.

(Ask me again, why don't I have more of a web presence? Because I want to write, not keep playing IT guy.)
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