Well Still Still Well
by miko
All was not well with the well that was all
the way down at the foot of the hill;
For into the drink had fallen a drunk
who kept drinking to get his full fill.
Strange this might sound, though not to the stranger,
who resounded with joy at his plight:
Still in the dry hole did hide a whole still
filled with hooch, to his hapless delight.
[Wishing wellness for Mrs. ~brb and Mrs. Henry]
Story-a-Day is an attempt to bring a small bit of humor and amusement to Mrs. ~brb and Audrey as they fight very serious illnesses. If you have a short, amusing story, please send it to kersley.fitz at yahoo dot com. If you'd prefer, you can drop it in the drop.io (password: challenge) and email me to let me know it's there.
(By the way, I'm out of stories. What do ya got?)
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