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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Ultimate Geek Fu

Fighting Words

It's not all profound intelligence and refined tastes here at Casa del Calamaro. Some days I just want to sit down with a big glass of milk and a couple of Ding Dongs, or maybe park my butt on the couch, turn on the TV, crack a can of cheap beer, and watch a ball game. Other days, I might even go so far as to look at that Umberto Eco or Barbara Kingsolver novel sitting on my nightstand, say, "Nah," and then pick up—oh, it pains me to admit this—

A Star Trek novel.

Okay, so I just finished pigging out on one of these big bowls of literary junk food the other day, and I have to tell you, this particular ST novel had an ending that was just plain terrifying. No, I'm not going to tell you the title of the book or who wrote it. I just want to pose one question, relating to the ending of this book.

Could it possibly be true that in the glorious spacefaring future that is to come, the most frightening words known throughout the galaxy will be not some Klingon curse, Romulan threat, or even the prospectus for a Ferengi investment scheme, but rather the final line of dialog that I found in this novel?
"We're from the Federation, and we're here to help you."

Let the arguments begin.

ULTIMAGE GEEK FU runs every Wednesday. Have a question that's just bugging the heck out of you about Star Wars, Star Trek, Stargate, Battlestar Gallactica, Farscape, Firefly, Fringe, Heroes, The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Smallville, The X-Files, X-Men, The Man From Atlantis, or pretty much any other SF-flavored media property? Send it to slushpile@thefridaychallenge.com with the subject line, "Geek Fu," and we'll stuff it in the queue.
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