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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Name This Column

by Bruce Bethke

We'd planned a whole lot of exciting changes for this week. The STUPEFYING STORIES site was finally going to go live; the long-neglected Rampant Loon site was going to get a badly needed makeover; I was even planning to make some subtle but significant changes to this site. Reality, however, has a way of making mincemeat of even the best-laid plans, and so in the end all I have to announce is this: the printed copies of STUPEFYING STORIES 1: "It Came From The Slushpile" are in, and they don't look half-bad.

The Kindle version isn't ready yet. M has convinced me that it's worth doing iBook and Nook versions, and he's generously volunteered his time and expertise, so we'll be charging ahead with that project Real Soon Now. We still don't have the Rampant Loon web store up and running, either—that, as well as the incipient iTunes shop, was devoured by Otogu—so in the meantime, to meet the (ahem!) raging demand, we've put the print version out on Amazon.com under the aegis of K&B Booksellers, at this link.

Ebook versions to follow shortly. This isn't exactly the big splash launch announcement we'd been hoping to do, not by a long shot. But we're learning.
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