Bruce Bethke posts greetings from Dragon*Con and adds photos of almost all of us who attended. Alas, Leatherwing and Rhonda were in the long registration line at the time. Join the discussion...
This week, Ultimate Geek Fu is presented in tandem from Watkinson and Kerzley Fitzgerald, as they present reviews of Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. Join the discussion...
Kersley Fitzgerald passes along writing tip #35 and then asks for our opinion of two versions of the first chapter of a novel. Read them and then join the discussion... After all, the ruling troika needs feedback every now and then, too!
Henry Vogel recounts the tale of Dragon*Con interrupted, in which he finally gets to meet the Bethkes, Arisia, Leatherwing, and Rhonda but then has to rush home. Join the discussion...
Bruce Bethke checks in again from Dragon*Con, relating how hard it was to find panels on written science fiction, how good it was to meet old friends again, and displays relief that most of the scantily clad women had the build to carry it off. Join the discussion...
The winner hasn't yet been announced for the 8/27/2010 Friday Challenge. The Troika blames it all on Otogu (Other things of greater urgency) and your requests patience for just a bit longer. Kersley Fitzgerald compares writing a novel to writing the script for a change of command ceremony. The inmates discuss the view from their respective locations in the asylum. All this and more, this week in THE FRIDAY CHALLENGE.
The current greater Friday Challenge, "Read Me a Story," isn't due until midnight on 9/23/2010. In other words, there's nothing to read, review, or judge this week.
But you only get one week off, because here is this week's new lesser challenge.
"The Kid, the Boy, and the Creature"
Have you ever wondered where the ideas come from for Friday Challenges? Normally, the development of new challenges involves top secret research, three hidden bases, several Cray supercomputers (we get the employee discount because Bruce works there, you know), and several living brains floating in exotic chemicals. This week's idea just popped up at dinner last Thursday night. You can see the photo a member of the restaurant staff took of us here.
Some people wondered about the nicknames for the Bethke lad, the Kid, and the Vogel lad, the Boy. Actually, I think it was the Kid and the Boy who were wondering about their nicknames. Rather than delve into the intricate thought processes that led to those astoundingly original nicknames, we mentioned that Kersley refers to her lad as the Creature. The next thing we knew, the Boy was singing "The Kid, the Boy, and the Creeeeeeeeature" to a made up tune.
A light bulb lit over my head. Looking across the table, I said to Bruce, "That's our next Friday Challenge!"
Bruce said, "What? I can't hear you, the music is too loud!"
I shouted, "Our next Friday Challenge! We can use that as the title!"
Bruce shouted back, "Use what as a title?"
I shouted, "The Kid, the Boy, and the Creature!"
Bruce shouted, "What do they have to do with the Friday Challenge?"
I shout- Oh, you get the idea.
So, write a story with the title "The Kid, the Boy, and the Creature." The story should fit the title, of course. You might even consider having characters who fit the nicknames from the title, though we won't hold it against you if you find a good way to work around that. The Kid and the Boy are both excited to have their nicknames involved in this challenge. We hope the Creature is, too.
As always, we're playing by the loosely enforced and rarely updated Official Rules of THE FRIDAY CHALLENGE, and playing for whatever is behind Door #3. The deadline for this one is midnight Central time, Thursday, September 16.