Or what else is on your mind, that you feel like sharing with the group here?
Update on the Comments issue: Thanks to Jack Calverley, we've learned that our friends in the UK who are coming to http://www.thefridaychallenge.com are being redirected automatically to http://thefridaychallenge.blogspot.co.uk, and no amount of attempting to force the issue will get them to the US .com site. This in turn appears to be causing problems with Disqus. We suspect that something similar might be affecting our Australian friends, so if any are awake now, we'd appreciate knowing if you're being redirected to http://thefridaychallenge.blogspot.com.au. Obviously, if you can't post, you'll have to let us know by dropping us an email at slushpile {at} thefridaychallenge {dot} com.
At this time we have no idea what the solution is, but this at least helps us to identify the problem.
Update to the Update: AHAH! If I go to, say:
I see all the comments on yesterday's Friday Challenge post, but if I go to:
It comes up blank!
Ditto for:
Curiouser and curiouser....
Update to the Updated Updates...
Google implemented the auto-redirection on all Blogger/Blogspot-related URLs a few days ago. DISQUS has not (yet) adjusted their system to account for this, and since the "#disqus_thread" property is domain-based, the global redirects are throwing it off. A fix should be coming soon, because they are certainly aware of the issue.
— M.