What do you think of the new title? I gotta give this one to Guy and his daughter for the inspiration. Send your address, please, to kersley.fitz at yahoo dot com.
For a calendar of the comics, in this color scheme, tape a check for $6.50 to a new laptop computer and mail it to the above address. Or email me with your address and we'll see what we can do.
Kersley Fitzgerald is a not-so frustrated writer who will be published in a couple of weeks. Not that she's excited. Her husband's excited, too, but her boy has a fever and is much more interested in watching movies in bed, and the dog is...well, neurotic as always and doesn't see the point in getting published if it doesn't lead to peanuts or frozen vegetables. (Yes! She loves frozen vegetables. Told you she was strange.) See her stuff at http://sites.google.com/site/kersleyfitzgerald/home. (That's Kersley's stuff. To see the dog's stuff, go in the back yard.)