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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Deadline Reminder

The deadline for the current greater-than-lesser but lesser-than-greater Friday Challenge, "Writing the Winner" is tonight at midnight, Central time. The "winner" you'll be writing is Watkinson's entry in the "One tiny, practically insignificant change..." challenge. You can find it here. As I'll be asleep at midnight, Central time, those of you who have to snowdog their entry (Friday Challenge terminology for posting an entry past the deadline) have until early Friday morning to get your entry in. If you post much past 6:00 AM Central time, you'll be in danger of missing the deadline. Take advantage of that time if you need it!

The deadline for the current lesser Friday Challenge, "Before and After" is also tonight at midnight, Central time. The same snowdogging suggestion applies to this challenge.

There is no current greater Friday Challenge and nothing is due this week.

For those unfamiliar with the Friday Challenges, lesser challenges run for one week. Entries can be of any length, though are generally less than 1000 words. That is most definitely not a rule or requirement. If your muse instructs you to write far more than 1000 words, write on! Greater challenges run for three weeks. Again, entries may be of any length, but are generally longer than 1000 words. Again, that is not a rule or requirement.

Also, remember you can post to the Friday Challenge Drop if you want to enter but don't want your entry available to everyone in the world with internet access. The password is "challenge" to login as a guest.
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